Play On B.A.C.H. (zwei Klaviere) - Noten Download PDF
Gian Paolo Chiti

Play On B.A.C.H. (zwei Klaviere) - Noten Download PDF
Gian Paolo Chiti

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Produktnummer: | MFGPC071 pdf |
Arrangement: | Duett |
Instrumente: | Klavier |
Genre: | Jazz |
Duett: | Tasteninstrument |
Autoren: | Chiti, Gian Paolo (1939-*) |
Seiten: | 15 |
Spieldauer: | 05:30 |
Verlag: | Musik Fabrik Music Publishing |

Musik Fabrik18, rue Marthe Aureau77400 Lagny/Marne FRANCE Paolo Chiti wrote "Play on B.A.C.H." for the Moreno Gistain Duo, who premièred thework on the 28th February, 2015, for the concert season of the Fundación Juan March in Madrid.It was also recorded for Spanish National Radio. Juan Fernando Moreno Gistain wrote of the work:"It´s an honour for us that Maestro Chiti composed "Play on B.A.C.H." for our concert programmededicated to works based on the motif formed by the notes B.A.C.H. "Play on BACH" is awonderful piece for piano duo and we are sure many duos will perform this in the future. Thework has an amazing feeling of nostalgia, humour and charm, the audience loved it at everyperformance. It´s a masterwork and fits incredibly well in our concert programme."
Gian Paolo Chiti a composé "Play on B.A.C.H." pour le duo Moreno Gistain, qui ont presenté sa création le 28 février, 2015 pour les concerts du Fundación Juan March à Madrid. L´oeuvreest également enregistrée pour la Radio Nationale Espagnole. Juan Fernando Moreno Gistaina écrit à propos de cette oeuvre: "C´est un honneur pour nous que Maître Chiti a composé"Play on B.A.C.H." pour notre programme sur les oeuvres musicales écrites sur le motif B.A.C.H."Play on BACH" est une merveilleuse pièce pour duo de pianos et nous sommes certains quebeaucoup d´autre duos vont interpréter cette oeuvre dans l´avenir. La pièce a une aura de nostalgie,humour et charme. Le public l´a apprécié à chaque concert.
C´est un chef d´oeuvre et entreparticulièrement bien dans notre programme de concert."Gian Paolo Chiti ha composto "Play on B.A.C.H" per il Duo Moreno Gistain che l´ha presentatoper la prima volta il 28 febbraio, durante la stagione concertistica della Fundación Juan March aMadrid. E´ anche stato registrato per la Radio Nazionale in Spagna. Juan Fernando Moreno Gistainha scritto, "E´ stato un onore per noi quando maestro Chiti ha scritto "Play on B.A.C.H" basato sulmotivo delle note B -A - C - H. "Play on B.A.C.H" è un lavoro meraviglioso per due pianoforte esiamo sicuri che molti altri duo lo vorranno programmare nel futuro. Il brano communica un sensodi nostalgia, divertimento e fascino, il pubblico se ne innamora ad ogni esecuzione. E´ un capolavoroche sta incredibilmente bene nel nostro programma concertistico