Frederick Frahm

Fantasy for Organ (Orgel Solo) - Noten Download PDF


This piece was composed for David Hurd who performed the premiere in
New York City on May 12, 2004 at the Church of the Holy Apostles.
While the piece will stand alone as a solo concert work (duration circa 8"),
an additional option would be to include a selection of narrated text at
one of eight points designated in the score.

Possible texts to be read in sections during the performance might include:
"What the moon brings", by H.P. Lovecraft
Psalm 22 or 88 (any translation)
"De jure belli ac pacis", by Geoffrey Hill
or other selections at the performers discretion.

The purchase of this publication does not imply license for public performance
of the above suggested texts which may or may not be under copyright.
It is the responsibility of the performer to acquire permission from
any text publisher prior to public performance.


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Artnr.: mfff002
Autoren: Frahm, Frederick (1964-*)
Stilrichtung: Klassik (Zeitgenössisch)
Instrument: Orgel Solo
Seiten: 11
Unser Preis: 8.99 EUR

(Preis inkl. gesetz. MwSt.)