Carson P. Cooman

Autumn Sun Canticle (Trompete in B + Klavier) - Noten Download PDF

Autumn Sun Canticle (2005) for trumpet and piano was commissioned by The Commission
Project in memory of Bob Stata. Bob Stata was a jazz bassist and teacher, who died on June
14, 2005 at the age of 52. (Stata commissioned and directed the premiere of Cooman's The
Great Wilno (1999) for solo piano and wind ensemble.)

Autumn Sun Canticle was premiered by Colby Cooman, trumpet and Carson Cooman, piano
on November 19, 2005 at Nazareth College, Rochester, New York &ndash, at a memorial concert
celebrating the life and music of Bob Stata.

This work has an autumnal spirit, but is lyrical and hopeful as well. An opening aria section
leads toward a chorale-like passage. A development of this material leads towards a
passionate and somewhat anguished climax. The opening aria returns, before an elegiac coda
closes the work.

A version for trumpet and orchestra is available for sale from the publisher.


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Artnr.: mfcc076
Autoren: Cooman, Carson P. (1982-*)
Stilrichtung: Klassik (Zeitgenössisch)
Instrument: Klavier & Trompete
Seiten: 13 (inkl. Einzelstimme)
Unser Preis: 8.95 EUR

(Preis inkl. gesetz. MwSt.)