Carson Cooman

A Robertsbridge Estampie (Klavier Solo) - Noten Download PDF

A Robertsbridge Estampie (2010) for piano was written for Jeffrey Grossman.

It is a concert piano transcription of an anonymous estampie from the Robertsbridge Codex (c. 1360), the earliest
surviving collection of music explicitly written for keyboard (likely a portative organ).

The medieval two and three voice original is re-imagined in the context of the style and technique of
the modern piano.


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Artnr.: mfcc195
Autoren: Cooman, Carson (1982-*)
Stilrichtung: Klassik (Zeitgenössisch)
Instrument: Klavier Solo
Seiten: 8
Unser Preis: 6.95 EUR

(Preis inkl. gesetz. MwSt.)